AmVets Post 1
5717 S. Tyler, Tacoma WA 98409
Phone: (253) 472-2552
Description: AMVETS is our Nation’s fourth largest veterans nonprofit organization. Alvah R. Dravis Post # 1 is the largest veterans post in Washington State. If you served honorably in any branch of service for more than 120 days, you could become a member and enjoy the support of other veterans and the opportunity to give back. In addition, your immediate family is eligible as members of the Lady’s Auxiliary, Sons of AMVETS and AMVETS Riders! We are in the process of bringing back a full line up of entertainment to our Lounge including Bar Stool Bingo, Horse Races, Karaoke, Rock Jam and FREE BUZZTIME. Great food at reasonable prices is available from our caterer Comfort Food during select hours. Bar food is always available with your drink. In addition, join the fun at our full-service Bingo Hall Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Check out our website: for more information on our entertainment and activities schedule. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Buzztime Live Trivia Schedule: N/A
Buzztime Poker Schedule: N/A
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